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These principals include​​​:​

  • behavior depends on actual and perceived ability (Swim, Howard & Clayton 2011)

Example: advertisements for sustainability encourage people that they CAN make a difference dispite the size of the challange. ​​

  • Feeling of belonging determines behavior (Swim, Howard & Clayton 2011)

Example: Relating to  with people who act sustainably in thier daily routine makes you feel compelled to do the same.


Did you know:

  • Psychological studies show that having more new things will NOT make you happier? (Swim, Howard & Clayton 2011) 


  • Humans we quickly adapt to their circumstance and begin to see them as normal (Meyers, 2003).

Another study showed...

  • "Sustainable behavior" meaning: pro-ecological, frugal, altruistic and equitable behavior, leads to increased personal well being meaning: including happiness, satisfaction, intrinsic motivation (Corral-Verdugo 2011).

Two video's below overview the research of Catherine O'Brain who is one of the primary scholars on "sustainable happiness". Her research looks at how to create long-lasting happiness in ones life, and how that long lasting happiness can be tied to environmental behavior.

What does make you happy?

  • Fulfillment.
  • Being part of something greater.
  • Learning about something important that will affect you and the generations after you. Wanna be the hero they deserve? You can be.

These things have been shown to increase personal happiness and life satisfaction. How do you get theses things you may wonder. Actually, actin sustainably includes all these things! 

Acting sustainalbly makes you happy

Being happy leads to more sustainable action!

You'd be crazy not to try it!


This explains it in more detail. I know, it's 15 minutes long so but totally worth it - yea we have a short attention span tooo... you can do it!!!! (see what I did there? increased your perceived ability... My sources tell me that will effect your behavior... muahaha)

To Effectively reach college students we consulted the field of environmental psychology

What's that?

There are two type of Happiness:  Intrinsic & extrinsic 

Intrinsic is long-lasting and is  linked to sustainable behavior

Extrinsic is usually fleeting and generated from behaviors like consumption (O'Brian2008)

hmm... well it sounds like a field dedicated to helping the environment using psychological principles . Yup - you got it!​

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